Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week #3 in the MTC, August 30, 2011

Hey family!

I'm doing really well this week I'm working better with my companion and we are getting better at speaking Portuguese.  I gave an entire lesson without having to look up a word.  I think it is really fun to learn a new language.  My p-day has been switched to Tuesdays because our teachers are going back to school and their schedules needed to be accomodated.  we are now on  a different schedule than everyone else in our branch this made it hard for Sister Rust to do things because she didn't have anyone to stay with during gym, p-day and in the mornings.  There was a big fuss about what to do in branch council and a member of the branch presidency said he would go and talk to Scheduling yesturday morning.  But, by mid-day on Monday no one had come to talk to me about a solution.  So I went down to Scheduling and they didnt even know that we where on a different schedule.  Apparently the teacher superviser gave us schedules and didn't tell scheduling??  But I finally got it worked out and now we have Sister Rust moved in with a French sister who is from Brazil in another district that is on our same schedule.  This is really great for her because her new part-time companion is super good at English and Portuguese. She will learn fast.
The MTC food is the same -- barely passable.  And I got a letter from Katherine last Friday!  Woot!   Last week was great for letters and mail.  I got the package and it was better than Christmas.  The harmonica is great and super fun to play in the evenings before bed.  It's a lot harder to play well than you would think.  I'm getting better at it though and now I can get clean notes fairly easily, without drooling all over myself.  I'm going to try and learn some hymns soon. 
Tell josh good luck for me! 

I want to know what everyone is doing for school and extra activities this fall.  Mom good luck with seminary, what class are you teaching? 
Sorry if i repeat myself in letters it all runs together here.
Dad I really enjoy getting your letters especially the ones about your lessons in the Priest Quorum.  Last week after we had our devotional, we had a short testimony meeting about what was said and insights we had during the talk (in our district).  I was last and we needed to take up more time, so I shared the lesson about mercy with my district.  At the end my entire district said, "Wow, I want to be like your dad when I'm older."  My district is great and we have some really cool discussions about the gospel there aren't any nut cases in my district with really hokey ideas, and we can see eye to eye with each other.  We don't all have the same opinions but they all mesh and everyone benefits.  There has also been some wierd talk about water being control by Satan not (within the MTC).  What do you think about that?  I personally think that its a load of crap, and that it's not Satan its the laws of nature that control water, and that as a misssionary I need to be careful around water not because of some metaphysical forces but because I have other priorities.  If I use common sense around water I will be safe. 
Well, I'm out of time love you all!

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